About me

Juan García Bonilla

I enrolled in the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid when I was 16 years old, joining an amazing community of scholars that mentored me during my first two years of college. These two years gave me a strong foundation in physics and mathematics, which allowed me to obtain one of the few coveted grants to study my junior year at the Georgia Institute of Technology, where obtained a perfect 4.0 GPA. During my senior year, I received a grant to perform undegraduate research on asteroid gravity modeling, which lead to a honorific mention for my thesis.


After my time in Madrid, I started studying Space Exploration at the Delft University of Technology, one of the most prestigious space engineering masters in Europe, uniquely focused on astrodynamics, modeling, mission design, and space science. During my studies, I was invited to be a Visiting Scholar at the Autonomous Vehicle Systems (AVS) Laboratory at the University of Colorado Boulder. There, while I was writing my Master's thesis, I became a developer of the open-source space mission simulation toolkit "Basilisk". My graduate studies culminated with my graduation, cum laude, on August 2023.


During my time in Delft, I also had the chance to do an internship at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a research center managed by Caltech and funded by NASA. There, I joined the DARTS Lab, a team of developers who manage tools to simulate the next generation of NASA space missions. During my internship, I suggested a way to re-architect a major feature of this software. After months of maturing this idea and implementing it, this feature was considered a success and is now a core part of the software, which has made it more user-friendly and maintainable. After this success, I was invited to become a permanent member of the team, an invitation which I accepted on September 2023, when I joined the team full-time. Since then, I have helped further the simulation capabilities of the software and continued to implement re-architecting ideas to improve the toolkit.

Courses & Certifications

C++ Nanodegree

160-hours Udacity online course focused on OOP, memory management and concurrency in C++.

Data Structures & Algorithms Nanodegree

160-hours Udacity online course detailing basic and advanced data structures and algorithms in Python.

STK Grand Master Certification

Official 45-hours online certification focused on Coverage, Spacecraft Trajectory, and the Spacecraft Environment.

Honors & Awards

"la Caixa" Fellowship (Fellow)

The most prestigious merit-based postgraduate fellowship awarded in Spain and Portugal.
Awarded to fund tuition and costs of living at the Delft University of Technology for two years.

Grant for Excellent Academic Achievement,  2019, 2020 & 2021

Twice obtained grant, awarded by the Community of Madrid, with the objective of facilitating the progress of undergraduate studies for students with excellent academic achievement. 

"Europe-Colorado" Grant for Visiting Scholars

Grant bestowed upon promising European researchers to be Visiting Scholars at the University of Colorado Boulder. This grant partially funded a six month stay the AVS Lab under the guidance of Prof. Hanspeter Schaub.

Honorific Mentions in undergraduate studies

Distinction awarded by professors to students that are at the top 5% of a specific class.

Received honors in Statistics, Physics, Computer Modelling, Aerodynamics, Mechanics of Flight I (top 1), Mechanics of Flight II (top 1), Orbital Dynamics (top 1), Aerospace Propulsion, Electronics engineering (top 1), Aerospace Structures, Aerospace Design I, Aircraft Systems, Intro to Astronomy, History of Spaceflight, and Helicopters.